“Red Dress” is a musical composition by Kingston, ON based folk-pop band Monuments & Statues, with a multifarious attitude and a
luminous sonic flavor. Geoff Reith’s serene, earthy banjo anchors the
song, carrying a startlingly buoyant tone. The band’s daring
determination to subvert the listeners’ expectations of the standard
folk rock mold does not end here. Mackenzie Bromstad’s stirring,
animated cello emerges suddenly at the song’s halfway mark, and is at
once both melodious and defiant, instilling the song with a confounding
depth. “Red Dress” revels in its commitment to motion. It leaps,
curves, tranquilizes, and soars, refusing to be stagnant. Lean
percussion is employed expertly, infusing the song with just a sliver of
propulsion and rhythm for diversity, without compromising the tune’s
satisfyingly lush, organic aura. Laura Barker’s enticing, angelic coo
drips over the twisty, genre bending instrumentation with purpose,
grounding the song, while embodying feeling itself. When Bromstad adds
her otherworldly, breathtaking harmonies to the mix, transcendence is
Listen to "Red Dress" for free here: https://soundcloud.com/monuments-and-statues/red-dress